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1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections

1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections
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Buy 1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections Online

1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections, Hydrogel is a permanent soft tissue filler. It is made from 5% polyacrylamide gel and 95% water. The cross-linked Polyacrylamide forms a real gel that is very similar and highly bio-compatible to human soft tissue

1000cc KIT   =  (500cc in each cheek)

Kit includes:-
*A user manual and Demo DVD which gives you step-by step instructions on the safest way to inject the hydrogel.
*Permanent-Polyacrylamide Filler
*Sterile syringes
*Antibiotic to take to prevent infection, a muscle relaxer, garment, numbing cream, anesthesia and after care meds.

For almost instant enhancement in size of these areas;

1. Upper buttock
2. Middle buttock
3. Lower buttock
4. Hip expansion
5. Outer thighs

Round Bubble Shape couple with the Jiggly Natural Feel

100% Safe All Medical Ingredients
Increase your butt size naturally in weeks!
Also helps to reduce cellulite on thighs and butt!


1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections, Hydrogel is a permanent soft tissue filler. It is made from 5% polyacrylamide gel and 95% water. The cross-linked Polyacrylamide forms a real gel that is very similar and highly bio-compatible to human soft tissue

1000cc KIT   =  (500cc in each cheek)

Kit includes:-
*A user manual and Demo DVD which gives you step-by step instructions on the safest way to inject the hydrogel.
*Permanent-Polyacrylamide Filler
*Sterile syringes
*Antibiotic to take to prevent infection, a muscle relaxer, garment, numbing cream, anesthesia and after care meds.

For almost instant enhancement in size of these areas;

1. Upper buttock
2. Middle buttock
3. Lower buttock
4. Hip expansion
5. Outer thighs

Round Bubble Shape couple with the Jiggly Natural Feel

100% Safe All Medical Ingredients
Increase your butt size naturally in weeks!
Also helps to reduce cellulite on thighs and butt!


1000cc Hydrogel buttock injections, Hydrogel is a permanent soft tissue filler. It is made from 5% polyacrylamide gel and 95% water. The cross-linked Polyacrylamide forms a real gel that is very similar and highly bio-compatible to human soft tissue

1000cc KIT   =  (500cc in each cheek)

Kit includes:-
*A user manual and Demo DVD which gives you step-by step instructions on the safest way to inject the hydrogel.
*Permanent-Polyacrylamide Filler
*Sterile syringes
*Antibiotic to take to prevent infection, a muscle relaxer, garment, numbing cream, anesthesia and after care meds.

For almost instant enhancement in size of these areas;

1. Upper buttock
2. Middle buttock
3. Lower buttock
4. Hip expansion
5. Outer thighs

Round Bubble Shape couple with the Jiggly Natural Feel

100% Safe All Medical Ingredients
Increase your butt size naturally in weeks!
Also helps to reduce cellulite on thighs and butt!

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